Lead Paint Removal & Lead Dust Clean-Up
Newcastle’s Lead Paint Removal & Lead Dust Remediation Specialists
TMT Industries is Newcastle, the Hunter, Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens & Mid-North Coast regions most-trusted lead paint removal & lead dust remediation company.
Operating since 1998, we provide a full-service lead paint removal package with full accreditation to AS/NZS 4801:2001 and ISO 45001: 2018.
You can relax, because TMT Industries is fully insured, fully certified and our team are experienced lead dust clean up professionals who know what they are doing.

Need lead paint removed? Why lead dust removal is important
Exposure to lead paint and the resulting lead dust can cause severe damage to the entire body, especially the reproductive system, brain, nervous system blood and kidneys. (image?)
Lead dust is the most common exposure to lead. Inside the home, most lead dust comes from chipping and flaking paint or when paint is scraped, sanded, or disturbed during home renovations. Chipping and peeling paint is found mostly on surfaces that rub or bump up against another surface, like windows and doors. TMT Industries can safely remove all lead dust for demolition, construction, remedial construction and renovation projects.
If lead paint is disturbed by hand or power equipment, small quantities of lead can pose a severe health danger to humans
Where will I find lead dust?
Lead-based paint was used on the inside and outside of homes and buildings in Australia before 1970. Additionally, lead paint was commonly used to cover steel on commercial construction projects before 1975. Lead is still utilised in some vehicle and boat paint and surface treatments.
Lead dust builds up overtime from different sources, including homes renovations, nearby industrial pollution, exhaust from cars using leaded petrol, and fumes from burning wood or coal.
Lead-based paint is often found in heritage buildings and can pose a serious health risk, especially to pregnant women, babies and young children who are likely to put items in their mouth. Chipped, flaking, cracked or peeling lead paint is dangerous and should be removed by a professional.

What is the process for lead dust removal?
Lead paint removal is the process of thoroughly and securely removing all lead-containing particles from a commercial, industrial premises or a home. Lead paint can be inhaled as it deteriorates, combined with dust and other household waste, which leads to lead poisoning.
When we remove lead dust, our first goal is to minimise danger and further contamination.
1. Containment
2. Monitoring
3. Removal
4. Disposal
5. Decontamination
6. Analysis
7. Handover a hygienic site

Free lead dust removal quotes
Call us for a free phone consultation so we can assess your project and help you decide what service you need. Otherwise, you can email us a photo of your project so we
Safety Comes First
Our goal is to keep you, your family, your workers and our crew safe. That’s why we take safety seriously and uphold all government and EPA regulations. Our crews are fully equipped with specialist lead dust removal equipment to do the job right the first time, every time.
Scaffolding & barriers
Keeping people away from a lead paint removal zone is crucial to limiting possible exposure. We bring all the barriers and scaffolding required to make a job site safe.
Air Monitoring
We check for air-borne particles before, during & after lead paint removal. For your peace of mind and to ensure the highest levels of hygiene, we use National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) laboratories for all sampling, testing and analysis.
Negative Air Units
A Negative Air Unit filters air and keeps contaminated air from entering other parts of the building during a project. Our ‘neg air’ units are another way we reduce contamination risk throughout a site.
Decontamination Units
We bring our portable decontamination unit to your job so our team can safely decontaminate from exposure to hazardous materials before leaving the work-site.
HEPA filters
Lead dust removal works should include the use of High Efficiency Particulate Air
(HEPA) filtered vacuum cleaners and wet wiping techniques by a licensed contractor under controlled lead-containing dust conditions.
On-site chippies
We have qualified carpenters on hand to build custom structures on-site to create our own sealed ‘bubble’ for optimal staff and site safety, so you have peace of mind that your staff and your worksite is safe.

TMT Industries is fully licenced, insured & certified for lead dust remediation
Australian & New Zealand Standards 4801:2001
ISO 45001: 2018
30 years industry experience
Fully trained & qualified staff
Fully equipped with specialist lead paint removal equipment- Negative Air Units, Decontamination Units, Scaffolding & more.
How do I know if I have lead dust at home?
How do you remove lead paint or lead dust safely?
Our crew will create a safe containment area where all fumes and dust are restricted, and the area won’t be available to you until we know it’s safe. We bring our Decontamination Unit to your site so you have peace of mind, knowing all hazardous materials are dealt with and disposed of safely.
How much does lead paint removal cost?
Can I DIY lead paint removal at home?
Theoretically, lead paint can be removed by home-owners, but unless you have experience working with dangerous chemicals. It’s better left to the professionals. We have invested in the right equipment and training to do the job right efficiently and quickly, giving you a safe, lead-free surface to work from.
What is the risk of lead paint or lead dust?
Exposure to lead- and lead paint- can cause severe damage to the entire body, especially the reproductive system, brain, nervous system blood and kidneys.

PO Box 6013, Mount Hutton
NSW 2290
© TMT Industries | ABN 62 169 828 791 | AS/NZS 4801:2001 | ISO 45001: 2018 | Class A Asbestos Licence (Friable) | Class B Asbestos Licence (Bonded)